Our Mission Statement
‘To love, live and learn together’
‘I came that they may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:10)

At St Mary’s Bolton-on-Swale we welcome everyone to a school community where all can flourish. Underpinned by our Christian values everyone belongs and is valued as a child of God. We promote academic excellence and the development of character, knowledge and skills to enjoy being our best selves now and in the future.
Our Church School Inspection graded us as outstanding in all areas in November 2016.
“The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Bolton-on-Swale as a Church of England Primary School are outstanding.”
In November 2023 our Church School Inspection described Bolton-on-Swale St Mary’s as a school where:
‘The vision is lived out in deeply nurturing and caring relationships. This is evidenced in exceptional politeness and behaviour throughout the school.’
‘The curriculum inspires and motivates pupils and ignites their love of learning.’
‘Carefully selected extra-curricular activities enrich the breadth of learning that pupils encounter.’
‘A culture which celebrates individuals’ gifts fosters a sense of pride in their own achievements and the gifts of others in, and beyond, the school.’
Our Ofsted Inspection graded us as Good in all areas in November 2019.
‘Leaders have designed a creative and enriching curriculum for all pupils. Christian values weave through all aspects of school life. This promotes pupils’ personal development well, through spiritual and moral experiences’.
A message of welcome from the Headteacher
On behalf of the staff and governors I would like to welcome you to Bolton-on-Swale St Mary’s Church of England Primary School.
We hope that this website will give you a flavour of the rich and varied life of our village primary school. We are a Church School and Christian values underpin our ethos and are central to our life and community.
As a school, we are very excited about all that we offer to the children and families who become part of our community.
In November 2019 Ofsted rated our school as Good in all areas and in November 2016 our SIAMS, Church School Inspection graded the school as Outstanding in all areas.
We hold the Gold School Games Quality Mark for PE and competitive sport and the Music Mark Award for excellence in music provision. We achieved our International Eco School Award and our fifth Eco Schools Green Flag Award in 2018.
Most importantly our parents, carers and children tell us that we make a huge contribution to ensuring we all, ‘Love, live and learn’ well together.
Bolton-on-Swale St Mary’s is a very popular school with a friendly, caring and supportive staff and an enthusiastic and able Governing Body. We work together to ensure that every child in our care is happy and safe and experiences every opportunity to learn and to succeed during their time with us. Smooth transition as children start school and preparation for secondary school and the next stage on a child’s journey in education are very important to us.
We are committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment in which children will be happy, enjoy learning, and develop positive relationships with others. Our vision is for academic excellence whilst promoting the moral, cultural, spiritual, social and physical development of our pupils. We strive to make our school welcoming, open and friendly with a positive ethos where the views of the children and parents are valued. We are a fully inclusive school and work to ensure equality of opportunity for all our pupils.
Please do come into school to ask any questions you may have; we are always very happy to show you around. We look forward to meeting you and your child soon and to working in partnership with you.
Nicola Dobson
Head teacher