Eco Schools Green Flag Award
We were the first school in North Yorkshire to be awarded our 5th Eco Green Flag and then our International Eco School Award.
Our whole school community is very proud of our eco work and we work hard to sustain this.
We also recognise that caring for our created world is part of our Christian vision: ‘To love, live and learn together’. We do our best to care for all of creation and really value the beauty of our natural environment and setting.
Our children can articulate the importance of speaking out and taking action to protect creation.
Achieving our 5th Green Flag is a great celebration of our sustained Eco work and the leadership provided by our pupils through their work on our Eco Team.

Gold PE and Sports Quality Mark
We have once again been awarded the Gold PE and Sports Quality Mark. This celebrates the high quality of our delivery of PE in lessons, in extra curricular activities, in competitive sport and through our links with clubs in the local community and at County level.
It also recognises the many sporting opportunities available to all pupils in our school. Every child represents our school at sporting events and our delivery of PE is highly inclusive.

The Music Mark Award recognises our commitment to Music in school. This Award celebrates schools who are committed to providing a high quality music education. We recognise the value of music education as part of a broad and balanced curriculum and also part of the holistic development of the well-being of children and adults. Music is part of our curriculum and plays an important part in our worship and extra curricular activities. We sing in school every day and all our children play an orchestral instrument for at least 2 years. We hold regular services, concerts and performances and our children perform and play in the wider community also. We perform in St Mary’s Church, our village hall, in Ripon Cathedral and in our own school. We love to take our singing to the residents of our local care home.