Educational Visits

Class 4 visit the Life Science Centre and take part in a Discover Chemistry Workshop. They also visit the Hancock Museum to support their History work on Ancient Greece.

Class 3 visit the Life Science Centre and the Hancock Museum to support their Science and History work on the Egyptians.

Class 1 visit the Locomotion Railway Museum to support their work on the life of George Stephenson and learning to be an engineer.

Class 2 visit the Locomotion Railway Museum to support their History work on the life of George Stephenson.

Class 4 visit Whitby to support their History, Geography and Science work. They looked at sketch maps, coastal features, geology and fossils, historical sources and the life of Captain Cook and his explorations

Class 3 visit Whitby to support their Geography work on coastal features; their History work linked to Invaders and Settlers and their RE work on Churches and Abbeys

Class 2 visit the Sealife Centre at Tynemouth to support their Science and Geography work on the Seashore and Sea Creatures

Class 1 visit the Sealife Centre at Tynemouth to support their Science and Geography work on the Seashore and Sea Creatures

Bowes Museum Visit History of Toys Class 1

Bowes Museum Visit History of Toys Class 2

Beamish Living History Museum

Marrick Priory Residential and Outdoor Education Week

Class 3 Tudor Day at Bolton Castle

Class 4 visit Ripon Cathedral to support their RE work on Pilgimage

Class 4 visit Ripon Workhouse to support their History work on Victorians

Whitby – Classes 1 and 2 explore the beach and meet the lifeguards. Class 2 visit the Lifeboat Station and Whitby Abbey. Class 4 carry our mapping and coastal fieldwork and visit the Whitby Museum

Class 1 and 2 visit Durham Cathedral to learn about the life of the Anglo Saxon Saint Cuthbert

KS2 visit Bradford Mandir, the Bombay Stores and enjoy Indian Dance Workshop to support their work on Hinduism and India.

Class 3 visit Danelaw Viking Village to support their History work on Invaders and Settlers