Order Uniform from My Clothing (formerly Tesco)
School Uniform, P.E. Kit and Book Bag
We have two suppliers of school logo embroidered sweatshirts and cardigans and these may be ordered on line through our school website (see links above). Logo items are optional and plain royal blue sweatshirts or cardigans are also acceptable. All Items can also be purchased from a range of local supermarkets and stores.
Please speak with us if you are concerned about the cost of school uniform. We also have a good supply of quality pre loved uniform available (see below).
Our school uniform is an important part of our identity and sense of belonging as a school family. Smart uniform and high standards of appearance reflect our high expectations in all areas of school life.
A school book bag for carrying reading books and homework is also available to order online. We recommend children use school book bags to the end of KS1 (Classes 1 and 2) as it helps to protect our reading books. We can store these in classrooms.
Children may use small back packs from KS2 (Classes 3 and 4) as these can be better stored in our cloakroom spaces.
Naming clothing
Please ensure that all property and items of clothing and footwear are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Please see the uniform list below.
Optional: Items with a school logo are optional.
An alternative summer uniform of grey/black shorts or blue gingham dress may be worn. Sun hats/caps are strongly recommended during the summer term.
School Uniform – Quick reference
(All items are required. Items with a school logo included are optional. Summer uniform is optional)
White/pale blue polo shirt – required
Grey/Black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress -required
Royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper – required
Grey/black/white socks or tights – required.
Pre –loved Uniform
We have a good selection of pre loved Uniform. Thanks to Friends of School for supporting us with this also. Pre loved uniform is available after each classes termly class assembly and on other dates as advertised in our school newsletter.
Please contact the school office if you require pre loved uniform at other times.
Parents and carers also donate uniform back to school to share with others. Please bring this to the school office in good, clean condition.
Our school is in a rural setting, surrounded by fields and our classrooms are carpeted.
Our children need different footwear for indoors and outdoors. Indoor footwear stays in school, usually for a half term. Most children have black plimsolls for indoor wear and black school shoes for outdoor wear. When it is muddy they need wellingtons or trainers.
Playtime waterproof trousers
To keep their uniform clean, children may play on the field at certain times of year when they are wearing waterproof trousers over their normal clothes (these trousers should be separate from those they use for PE).
P.E. Kit
Children wear their PE kit on days when PE is being taught. You will be notified at the start of each term of your class PE days.
If your child has an after school PE club on a different day to their PE lesson they should come to school in their school uniform and change at the end of the day into their PE kit.
Indoor PE:
White T-shirt (plain, short-sleeved, round necked or white polo shirt)
Black/Navy PE shorts
Children often have bare feet for indoor PE lessons such as Gymnastics or Dance.
Outdoor PE:
White T-shirt (plain, short-sleeved, round necked or white polo shirt)
Black/Navy PE shorts
Black/Navy jogging trousers
Black/Navy zip hoody
Swimming Kit
When children go swimming, currently each summer term from Year 1 upwards, they will need to take a swimming costume, trunks, and a towel. These are best kept in a named plastic carrier bag. Children with long hair should wear a swimming hat or ensure that their hair is securely tied back.
For safety reasons jewellery other than a wrist watch must not be worn at school. If children have pierced ears only studs should be worn at school. For health and safety reasons North Yorkshire County PE Risk Assessment insists that all watches and ear studs must be removed for P.E. and swimming. Your child is responsible for removing and storing these items of jewellery during P.E. lessons. Nail varnish and make up are not permitted.
If your child is going to have their ears pierced, please do this at the start of the summer holidays.