Diary Dates

Diary Dates Spring Term 2025

Special Mentions Assembly is every Friday at 3.00pm – children may bring in achievements from outside school to share with us.

Rev Mary and the Parish Open the Book Team join us for whole school Collective Worship each Monday morning.

Key dates are given below with more details to follow on additional activities

PE Kit days- children should come to school wearing their PE kit on these days.

Class 1: Tuesday and Thursday

Class 2: Tuesday and Wednesday

Class 3: Tuesday and Thursday

Class 4: Tuesday and Friday


Tuesday 7th January           


Children return to school. Instrumental lessons start this week.                          After School Clubs start this week (Y1 upwards) please book on Parent Pay (no cost)
Thursday 16th January Meeting for Y6 parents re Y6 SATs tests 5.30pm in school
Monday 20th January

KS1 (Year 1 and 2 children) Multiskills Festival at Richmond School

Full Governing Body Meeting 6pm

Friday 24th January RSPB Schools Big Bird Watch Weekend
Monday 3rd February           Children’s Mental Health Week (3-9 Feb)
Tuesday 11th February Safer Internet Day
Friday 14th February            Finish for Half Term


Monday 24th February         

Children return after Half Term
Tuesday 25th February                    

Parent Teacher Consultations 3.40pm-6.30pm Reception to Year 6


Wednesday 26th February               


Book Fair open after school
Thursday 27th February                   

Parent Teacher Consultations 3.40-6.30pm

Reception to Year 6


Friday 28th February            


Book Fair open after school

Thursday 6th March 


Class 4 Parental Assembly 9.30am. Parents/carers welcome


Friday 7th March                               

Dress as your favourite Book character to celebrate World Book Day


Monday 10th March                          

British Science Week (7-16 March) Change and Adapt Theme


Thursday 13th March                       

Class 1 Parental Assembly 9.30am. Parents/carers welcome


Monday 17th March                           Full Governors Meeting in school 6pm
Thursday 20th March                       

Class 3 Parental Assembly 9.30am. Parents/carers welcome


Friday 21st March    

Red Nose Comic Relief Charity Day


Thursday 27th March


Class 2 Parental Assembly 9.30am. Parents/carers welcome


Wednesday 2nd April                        The Little Princess Theatre Performance in school am

Thursday 3rd April    


Easter Activities Egg rolling/Decorating/Easter bonnet competitions – details to follow. Egg rolling 2pm. All welcome.
Friday 4th April                     

Easter Service in St Mary’s Church, 2pm. All welcome.

Finish for Easter

Tuesday 22nd April                          Return to school for Summer Term